It’s the oldest trick in the book. Even toddlers do it. When some tot calls another tot a bad name, the response is often, “You’re the (bad name)!”
I know you are but what am I?
And the Republican Party shamelessly resorts to that strategy whenever their skullduggery is exposed.
Of course they’re trying it now as the damning evidence mounts in the Russian hacking scandal.
They’re planning to launch an “investigation” to show that Hillary is the one who colluded with the Russians.
Hillary is such a convenient target. They have spent years – decades – trashing her credibility, and although their allegations always get laughed out of court, much of the mud has stuck.
The chants of “lock ‘er up” are easily revived.
This time, it’s an old uranium deal that’s being dug up. And you can bet the Republican “investigators” will manage to squeeze days and weeks of negative news cycles out of this one.
It doesn’t matter that there’s no collusion scandal there.
 Even Fox News anchor Shepard Smith recognizes it. And you know Fox News is the Republican party’s megaphone. The Fox crew is spearheading a crusade to smear Hillary (again), claiming she and Bill pocketed millions (billions?) in exchange for letting the Russians buy a Canadian uranium mining company.
Although Russians were among the myriad donors to the Clinton Foundation, there was no quid-pro-quo (as you probably guessed) and Shepard Smith – Fox anchor though he is —  could see that. He called the collusion charges “inaccurate in a number of ways.”
Naturally, Fox viewers are outraged. They’re roasting him on Twitter and reviling him in every way they can think of.
But even a Fox News host has to draw the line somewhere.