The proof that this photo of Jada Pinkett Smith was not taken in Jamaica
Source: Jada-Smith Facebook Page

Jada Pinkett Smith’s recent visit to Jamaica during Thanksgiving  has started a hilarious war of words. The photo above has been widely circulating on social media under the title “Jada Pinkett Smith in Jamaica”. There are some heated discussions taking place on Jada Pinkett Smith’s Facebook page between Jamaicans and non-Jamaicans on where this photo was taken. One Jamaican said “I buy jelly coconuts at this corner every weekend” and another mentioned the “potholes” are proof that the photo was taken in Jamaica. Well the photo was not taken in Jamaica but in Hawaii in June 2014.  You can read the article on US Magazine about this Hawaii vacation.  A ‘google search” of Smith June 2014 vacation will also yield results showing Hawaii.