If we really examine our hearts, I doubt that any of us likes abortion. It’s a sad subject, with delicate implications that vary from case to case.
Obviously, there are logical arguments on both sides of the issue, and those who take the arguments to militant extremes are making mischief.
This kind of disagreement should not be a political football. To me, it’s a matter of religious belief, not public policy. And I was heartened when the majority of Alabama’s traditionally conservative voters chose pro-choice Democrat Doug Jones as their senator.
I hope this shows a trend away from single-issue voting.
It seems odd that so many Republicans want the government out of their lives but insist that Washington should tell others what to do with their bodies. But that’s just me. I wouldn’t base my political choices on that single issue.
It’s unfortunate that politics has become a culture war, often obscuring important economic and social issues.
Tricksters use cultural wedge issues like abortion to win support for ruinous economic policies and rampant social injustice.
Such horrors as “white supremacy” have gained political traction by being linked to issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.
Also, in this kind of environment, the cynics who manipulate our democracy are getting away with robbery – looting the public purse to enrich a privileged upper class while working Americans sink deeper and deeper into financial quicksand.
And it’s not just us. Future generations are endangered by these looters, too, as the national debt spirals out of control.
Surely, as responsible citizens, we need to put our personal convictions aside sometimes in the interest of the common good?
It’s not an easy choice. We all have core beliefs that are precious to us. And we do not all share the same religious and ethical convictions. But the time has come to weigh our political choices carefully. The path we’re on now will lead inevitably to the social and economic collapse of our great democracy.