UFJ Caribbean Students Reception Sept 23rd, 2006 At Georgia State University

The UFJ Caribbean Students Reception will offer information on:

  • Tools for Success
  • Scholarships
  • Organizations in Georgia willing to provide assistance
  • Issues that Students wish addressed

Many times Caribbean students attending schools in Georgia find themselves without any assistance, aid or support as they are from other places and do not know where to turn. In Georgia there are various Caribbean organizations that have made the committment to address such needs.

United For Jamaica in conjunction with Georgia State University’s Caribsa (Caribbean Student Association) will be holding a Caribbean Students Reception in Atlanta On Saturday September 23 at Georgia State University in Downtown Atlanta, in the Alumni Hall. Designed as a forum for Caribbean Students to network, get information on sponsorship opportunites, and meet with leaders of the Caribbean Community, the 2pm to 6pm event will show Caribbean students the resources that are available to them, ranging from access to employment, help with shelter, food, books and a way to be involved in the Caribbean Community in Atlanta. There will also be a panel discussion on the issues that students need addressed with a panel made up of Caribbean Student Leadership. And oh yeah…there will be food.

Invited guests include the Presidents and leadership of various Caribbean Associations.

United For Jamaica (UFJ)- a non-profit organization run by a collective of dedicated and progressive individuals looking to do practical projects that impact people in a positive manner. As members of not just the Jamaican, but the Caribbean and West Indian communities, UFJ’s projects serve many and its membership outreach target those who look to serve communities in need, no matter their nationality.


Mission Statement: The goal of United for Jamaica is to foster relationships between committed individuals and interest groups who will join in efforts to better the health, education and living conditions for the citizens of Jamaica and the greater Caribbean.