Vice President Joe Biden visits Miami Jamaican Restaurant

Vice President Joe Biden after speaking at a commencement at Miami Dade College Kendall campus headed out out to a shopping mall in west Kendall in Miami to the Island Restaurant, a Jamaican cafe.

After taking off his coat, Vice President Biden discussed his feelings about immigration reform. He noted that the importance of immigration reform is to take 11 million undocumented immigrants out of the shadows so that they can realize their American dream.

VP Joe Biden dined with Caribbean community leaders Don Daly of CRI Communications (Jamaica); Dorette Darby, business owner and member of Kendall Community Church of God (Haiti); Jerry Nagee, retired teacher (Trinidad & Tobago); Dr. Marie Lindor Latortue, social services administrator (Haiti); Jacques & Yvette Laroche, retired business owners (Haiti); Jessica Cameron, Miami Dade Collge North Campus president of Tropical Beat Caribbean Students Association (Jamaica); attorney Marlon Hill (Jamaica)

The Vice President enjoyed a sampling plate of curry chicken, jerk chicken, rice and peas, steamed veggies and ripe plantains.

The traveling press corps were encouraged to try the Jamaican beef patties.

After an hour lunch, the Vice President posed for pictures with the restaurant staff and patrons.