Victoria Mutual Continues to ‘Make Moves’ in Florida
Victoria Mutual (VM) – Florida Representative Office will culminate its 2021 Series of “Bank on the Move”’ Diaspora Community Blitz at Donna’s Caribbean Restaurant, 5434 N University Drive, Lauderhill (October 4th and 5th) and Dutch Pot Jamaican Restaurant, 19695 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami Gardens (October 7th and 8th), between 10:00am and 6:00pm.
Victoria Mutual Continues to 'Make Moves' In Florida1
VM Business Development Associate, Beresford Nelson (Right) attends to a client at the Dutch Pot Jamaican Restaurant during the VM Bank on the Move activation in West Palm Beach.

According to Suzette Rochester Lloyd, Chief Representative Officer, VM – Florida Representative, “the ‘Bank on the Move’ Diaspora Community Blitz is a financial well-being education initiative which allows new and existing members in their respective locales to meet VM Team Members face to face, whilst adhering to CDC guidelines and provide valuable information on VM’s savings and loan products, and other member services such as member updates and the processing of mortgage loan applications for purchasing property in Jamaica, as well handle other general queries”. 

Rochester Lloyd also continued that the previously held “Bank on the Move” visits to cities in Florida, including Orlando, West Palm Beach, Tampa have been well received by the Jamaican and Friends of Jamaican communities. Feedback received from our members indicate that they are very appreciative that the Society is “customer-obsessed” and is committed to facilitate the ease of doing business with Victoria Mutual through their easy mortgage pre-assessments process and member updates documentations from the comfort within their own locales. Rochester Lloyd also stated that, “it is in this vein that we have taken the decision to celebrate our members during Customer Service Week and will be giving away special prizes over the four (4) days at both locations”. 

The VM – Florida Representative Office, at its physical location in Miramar, Florida will continue to serve its members (existing and new) in the diaspora communities across the United States of America (USA), who wish to do business in Jamaica by providing valuable information on VM’s savings (vacation, retirement, home-ownership, emergency-fund) and loan products and other services such as accept documents for the processing of mortgage loan applications for purchasing property in Jamaica and handle general queries. Persons may also contact the VM – Florida Representative Office or attend the “Bank on the Move”, to begin the process of accessing savings and mortgage loan products in Jamaica at very competitive interest rates, as low as 4.25%pa on foreign currency and 6.95%pa on Jamaican currency mortgage loans, respectively. 

For more information on Victoria Mutual Building Society’s (VMBS) products and services, as well as to schedule your appointment, please contact the VM – Florida Representative Office: phone 305-770-2643 or email [email protected]