Call for Volunteers
Event Date: Saturday, February 28th, 2009 from 10am – 2pm.
Event: Read Across America in the Caribbean Community
Share your favorite Dr. Suess storybook as we celebrate Dr. Suess’s Birthday (a nationwide initiative of the NEA). Share your favorite Anancy tale or childhood story. However you choose to tell it, help keep alive the tradition of story telling.
Volunteer and be apart of helping to entertain children while increasing literacy awareness.
Volunteers are needed to:
Set-up (decorate the store & hang signs)
Hand out flyers & literacy pamphlets
Read books aloud
Recite poetry or deliver dramatic interpretation
Assist with craft activities
Encouraging leisure reading
If you are interested in helping out, please contact Ja’nice Wisdom @ 202-285-4673 or reply to this email providing contact information and availability.