Wayne Marshall & Gabriel Aka Levardes – Alliance Brothers Declaring “Anything A Anything”

What do Gabriel aka Levardes and Wayne Marshall have in common? Lots! They are both long-time Alliance members and 2010 has been a year of growth and strength for both. More importantly, they have just completed their first collaboration – Anything a Anything.

Anything a Anything is a remarkable song. It is Wayne Marshall’s first bad man tune and also Gabriel’s first major collaboration this year. Wayne’s silky smooth voice that has recently come into its own in a powerful way teamed up with deep boom of Levardes’ maturing voice work perfectly together. The collaborative spirit goes even further. The song declares that they will defend the crew! One wonders whether they are talking about the Alliance itself  -“Wi nah go mek no man come violate the par”

The song is on the Detonator rhythm from Columbian – a long-time friend and colleague of both artistes. Bounty Killer, Bling Dawg, Milk and Andrew and Wada Blood also make appearances on this rhythm.

Anything a Anything has been getting airplay in Canada – where a special pre-release was done, where Gabriel gets considerable airplay.  DJ Meredith from BreakThru Radio declared “My listeners loved it” . It’s Jamaica’s time – we are declaring Anything a Anything released. It is yet another monster song from Gabriel with help of his Alliance brother, Wayne Marshall!

Anything a Anything is attached – so listen and enjoy!!

Listen out for more from Gabriel this year – he is at PayDay and Loud Disturbance working on new songs.