CaribLifeCentral LLC is re-launching a new website at this fall 2008, for people of Caribbean descent or those interested in the Caribbean for business purposes.
CaribLifeCentral have received a lot of feedback over the past year and will incorporate some new and enhanced changes into the planned website. The new site will allow you to do the following items:
1) Collaborate with your facebook and myspace friends or add your own contacts to your network group on the new website
2) Review Caribbean themed events in the USA, Canada, UK and the Caribbean or other popular events in your local city
3) Review the latest news from around the Caribbean
4) Read Caribbean lifestyle notes on topics such as Recipes, Arts & Living, Non/Profits, Charities, or Opinion Editorials on the latest happenings that impact Caribbean people
5) Advertise your business and/or services to Caribbean professionals world-wide
There are additional features planned for release, which will connect you with Caribbean content and themes. Go to to keep posted.