I watched Morgan Freeman’s “wormhole” show last night and was left wondering why I am so dumb. Then this morning I read that the Japanese are messing with the global currency market to increase their exports and I feel even more like a gibbering idiot.
There’s so much that I do not understand.
Please don’t tell me that quantum physics is simple and I just need to embrace the idea of everything being made up of itsy-bitsy specks of energy regardless of how solid they might look and feel.
Please don’t tell me that a babe in arms would understand that the cheaper a nation’s currency gets the more likely its exports are to increase.
And don’t lecture me about the cunning strategy the US can employ – as custodian of the world’s reserve currency – to diminish its debt by letting the dollar’s value shrink.
I don’t want to know.
Back in the days of William Shakespeare, everyone knew that it was music keeping the celestial spheres in place. (In The Merchant of Venice, for example, Lorenzo tells his girlfriend, “Sit, Jessica. Look how the floor of heaven is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold. There’s not the smallest orb which thou beholdest but in his motion like an angel sings, still choiring to the young-eyed cherubim.”)
Why didn’t we just leave it there?
I like that concept a whole lot better than the black holes that fascinate folks like Freeman.
And I much prefer the idea of an Almighty God to the notion of a “god particle.”
To me, God is infinite, creation is infinite, and everything is part of something larger, for ever and ever amen. Keep asking why and eventually you are going to have to blame God because you will have run out of anything else to blame.
As for the currency riddle, it seems all too clear to me that any number of countries can play the devaluation game, and the resulting race to the bottom would lead nowhere good.
I can’t figure out why the UN or some international body like that doesn’t just establish a global currency and put the “gnomes of Zurich” out of business. Perhaps the computer based bitcoin the geeks have come up with will turn out to be that currency, and what then?
Only God knows.
Click here for more on “Through the Wormhole.”
Click for more on quantum physics.
Click for the latest on the currency market.
Click for more on the bitcoin.