A wanna-be normalcy is attempting settlement in Jamaica after hurricane violence swept through Tivoli Gardens. I spoke with a friend over the week-end who went to Coronation market and saw the growing measure of “normal” transactions returning.
But can emotional and physical scars heal that quickly?
How do you conquer fear, and rebuild a new confidence in the compromised ruling class?
How does one develop a social counter insurgency, and generate needed resources in a continued season of global scarcity?
How about a Dons Be Gone app?
First, what is an app? An App Is a software program that is developed primarily for smart phones that provide various functions. For example, an App may provide news, sports or weather information. Others are used to provide maps and perhaps even GPS services. Apps can be purely for entertainment, including games, or serve a more practical function.
Before you decide to call the state hospital and send the straight jacket tailor over for my fitting, consider this.
Jamaica is faced with a potent cocktail mixture that makes 120 proof rum punch tastes like ginger beer. Here are some of the ingredients of this killer mixture:
Social underdevelopment capacity
Under-manned law enforcement
Imported & indigenous criminals
Drugs & arm trafficking networks
Sure, there is precious little to laugh about these days. However, the spirit of sustaining renewal and healing for Jamaica can be released by tapping the humor the Jamaican comedian can administer. We need to globally marginalize the Dons, while we generate social service funding.
Think with me about how the world cup started with the ear busting sound of the annoying (call me cultural insensitive) vuvuzela.
One genius saw this, and builds a hot selling app that folks are getting for some unknown reason!
The oil disaster in the gulf has stoked the genius of an entrepreneur, who is raising funds to support unemployed folks by giving away vials of the gulf water.
The, a bar in New Orleans have invented a drink around snake bitten BP CEO Tony Hayward that is keeping his enterprise afloat.
So, instead of sending around those awful pictures of Tivoli Gardens, what if we created an App to mock the Dons with our humor or to entice the tourist back with the take your breath away scenery of Jamaica. You get the idea.
Charge a buck for the app. And use the monies raised to support a needy family or institution in Jamaica.
Am I off my rocker, or is there a kernel of possibility in the idea?
It is time be begin operating outside of the box and bring unconventional possibilities to the fore.
This story (click link to access) had me contrasting the road taken by Dudus vs. the road taken by NCU’s Imagination cup team who will be participating in the world championships in July.
You are calling me crazy, what would you do?
I am listening!