What’s Up NY 100th Episode Gospel Concert, Sat. Aug. 26th

Dear Friends,We are happy to announce that on Sunday, August 27th Whatz Up NY, New York ‘s popular show for Caribbean news and entertainment, airs its 100th episode on CIN, Ch. 73.

In celebration, Whatz Up NY is having a 100 th Episode Gospel Concert, on Saturday, August 26 th at Church of the First Born (909 Utica Ave in Brooklyn), 6pm. Performances by Hopeton Lewis, Shelly Thunder and many more. Tickets are $20 in advance. For further information, please call 718.859.2269.
Since 2001, this premier half an hour news program focuses on New York’s Caribbean American grassroots culture and has proven to be a favorite mainstay. In March, Nielsen ratings listed CIN as the #4 highest viewed television networks among New York’s Caribbean population, tying with MTV and receiving higher ratings than BET, FOX and CNN. What’s Up NY’s prime Sunday evening timeslot made the popular news, sports, and entertainment and lifestyle program among the most popular of the network’s lineup.

We congratulate Whatz Up NY’s Executive Producer and Director, Shaun Walsh, Hosts H-Diggy and Andi Jackman and the rest of the team! Show your support by watching the landmark 100th episode and enjoying the Caribbean’s finest gospel singers at the 100th Episode Gospel Concert.One love!
RCJ Media ConsultantsWhatz Up NY’s official Public Relations firm