USSA (United States Steelband Association) President Martin Douglas informed When Steel Talks on Thursday August 28, that current WIADCA (West Indian American Day Carnival Association) President William R. Howard, has been counseled by “lifers” (that is, people who have occupied—and still remain in same—key positions in WIADCA for decades) – to not issue Press Passes for When Steel Talks to cover this year’s New York Panorama, which comes off on the evening of Saturday August 30 on the grounds of the Brooklyn Museum. WIADCA are sole producers and organizers of the event.
This decision came, William Howard stated to Mr. Douglas, because he was told of articles WIADCA deemed negative toward their organization – relative to a specifically-named individual, a former key New York criminal justice official— interestingly enough that When Steel Talks has in fact never written about.
Mr. Douglas had previously repeatedly assured When Steel Talks that the Press Passes would be issued, and in fact that they would be available since Monday August 25. However on the evening of Thursday August 28, Mr. Douglas informed When Steel Talks of Mr. Howard’s decision that they would not be issued, and why.
William R. Howard is in his first year of power at WIADCA as the organization’s President, and so is Martin Douglas – in his first year of power – as USSA’s President. Speaking to When Steel Talks, Mr. Douglas implied that he himself was “powerless” to remedy the situation, although he in fact represents almost all the steel orchestras in New York.
The annual Panorama at the Brooklyn Museum is a musical event showcasing some of the finest steel orchestras on the North American continent, with complements sometimes reaching one hundred musicians each. When Steel Talks/PanOnTheNet has generally been issued Press Passes throughout the years and has consistently and comprehensively covered and reviewed this musical showcase in articles, pictures, and/or video.